Criminal Defense Attorneys in Birmingham
Understanding Alabama’s Criminal Process
Criminal defense is a specialized area of the legal profession in which lawyers defend individuals who are charged with criminal offenses. These type cases can proceed in a variety of jurisdictions, such as municipal courts, county courts and federal courts, depending on the criminal offense charged and the location where the offense allegedly occurred.
Legal representation of the client may begin before he or she is arrested, such as situations in which the client is the target or subject of a criminal investigation. Often, law enforcement officials will request that the client agree to an interview or interrogation. In most cases, agreeing to do so is a bad idea, and it helps to have a lawyer with the confidence to stand up to law enforcement and to refuse to allow his client to be interviewed. However, there are limited circumstances in which agreeing to an interview with law enforcement would benefit the client and prevent him or her from being arrested and charged with a criminal offense. In those situations, it is vital that a lawyer be present during the interview to thwart any efforts by law enforcement to intimidate, bully or deceive the client.
Burns, Brashier, & Johnson Criminal Law Legal Counsel
Representation of a client charged with a criminal offense continues from the initial investigation, arrest and posting of bond for pretrial release, through the preliminary hearing, other pretrial hearings, trial (whether before a judge or a jury), sentencing, if applicable, the filing of post-trial motions and subsequent hearings, and even through the appellate process. We may also be able to assist you in having your criminal record expunged.
We represent clients charged with anything from minor traffic offenses to capital murder. We also represent clients in Drug Court, Mental Health Court and Veterans Court, and we represent clients charged with “white collar” crimes (offenses related to business/corporate matters) in federal court. If you are facing any type of criminal charge in the State of Alabama, it is imperative that you are represented by an experienced, competent lawyer who knows how to navigate the system in order to achieve the best possible outcome with as few consequences as possible. We have the expertise required when your freedom is on the line.